It might be that most of what we do at Commonweal is about connecting.

Oren Slozberg

Executive Director, Commonweal

About Commonweal

We are a home for what is needed now

Commonweal supports visionary people and emergent programs to help us all create the world we want to live in.

What We Do

We catalyze more than 25 programs that offer healing, build resilience, and work toward justice

Our programs engage with science and research, encourage collaboration, and host events that help our communities connect, grow, reflect, and learn.

All Programs

Three Black Men Project

Resmaa Menakem, Bayo Akomolafe and Orland Bishop are tracing the Transatlantic slave route in reverse, engaging on the home continents of each man.

Our Approach

We provide support and collaboration for established and emergent programs

Our visionary program directors lead from the heart and dedicate themselves to the challenges that face their own communities.

Our Focus

Our work gathers from scientific and social research and guides with shared values of kindness, reflection, and service


We offer integrative healing programs for people with cancer, health professionals, and the rest of us.


We offer ways to build individual and community resilience for body, mind, and soul.


We resource, facilitate, and support efforts to build a just and peaceful world.

Where We Work

Our impact begins in our own communities, reaching around the world


The Migration Support Network offers compassion and community for asylum seekers and migrants from all over the world.

Commonweal's main site is in Bolinas, California, but our programs operate all over the world




Staff and Program Directors


Local and Virtual Events a Year

The Power of Hope

Bolinas, California

The Power of Hope camp at our Bolinas site empowers youth ages 14-18 to unleash their positive potential through art, music, and movement.


Healing Circles

United States, Europe, Israel, and Indonesia

This year, our Healing Circles hosted more than 3,500 participants across 26 countries, including the United States, Europe, Israel, and Indonesia.


The Center for Healing and Liberation

Los Angeles, Brazil, Ghana

The Center for Healing and Liberation's Three Black Men project is gathering along the Transatlantic slave route in reverse, meeting in Los Angeles, Brazil, and Ghana.


Gift of Compassion

Tijuana, Mexico

Gift of Compassion built our Migrant Support Network, supporting a sanctuary in Tijuana, Mexico, for migrants and asylum seekers from around the world.


A Place for Healing

The power of this rugged coastal land inspired a model for healing that is now used around the world

What are we here to do? Anything and everything that will affirm our deepest knowing - to care for one another across all barriers we humans have created to separate ourselves from the rest of Life.
-Angela Oh