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Thresholds. News. February 8, 2023. The Year of the Polycrisis. Read. Environmental Health. Culture. Nature and Ecology. News. January 16, 2023. Impact 2022: CancerChoices Offers Choices and Research. Read. Cancer. Healing. Learning and Training. News.

Supporting Mid-Career Leaders of Color

Leaders identify what is essential to claim or release as they cross new thresholds of leadership, personally and professionally. They experience insights and breakthroughs that allow them to claim more of their authority and influence.

A Changing Landscape at The New School

Ladybird has guided medical practitioners, families and private caregivers to find their clearest voice as they step across significant thresholds in life and in preparing for death.

A Path With Heart

At the threshold of his darkened door, she announced, “Randy, your cousin is here to see you,” and flipped on the light switch. Wrapped in snow-white sheets, two pencil-thin black arms and a curly black head turned toward us.

Unleashing Creative Power

When she stepped across the threshold into Power of Hope, she found something within herself that transformed her. It was some kind of magic! I wanted to know more about it. I volunteered, and took the creative facilitation courses myself.

Being Close: A Week With The Cancer Help Program

Perhaps the butterflies are more pronounced than usual because of a recent "word dream" I experienced—no image, just a voice addressing me on the threshold between sleeping and waking. Tend the grief. , said the gentle voice.