In Gratitude: in Gallery Commonweal
September 24, 2021
by Kyra Epstein, Commonweal Communications
I've been Commonweal's Gallery coordinator for about a decade, and we have never hosted a show like the one we have in the Gallery right now. It's been a long process to get to this point: the show, a retrospective of artist Katharine Kunst's work, was first scheduled to show in the spring of 2020. We all know what happened then.

After 18 months of being quiet and empty, Gallery Commonweal is happily and beautifully once again filled, this time with Katharine's colorful, sometimes whimsical, and always heartfelt artwork that she has created and kept throughout the decades of her career as an artist. But here's the amazing part: she wants you to take the pieces you love right off of the wall and home with you. At no cost (or a suggested donation to Commonweal). From Katharine:

"My work of the last 25 years is filled with exuberant color, experimental designs, unabashed copying of favorite artists, and careful attention to technique. It’s very alive and definitely quirky. It’s very much part of the culture that spawned numerous creativity manuals and classes that suggested that anyone could paint or make things or draw—without formal education. I firmly believe this statement and my exhibition demonstrates what happens when creativity is set free.
And, yes, it’s true. I want to give each of you a gift of my art. For years I have stored it all in my art studio drawers. I am ready to let this work go out into the world, to give it a more expansive and interesting life. I am ready for it to fly freely. It is ready to leap into your arms and be whisked away.
In gratitude and with gratitude."
So, we invite you to enjoy her artwork while her show is in Gallery Commonweal—between now and December 5. She'll be replacing "missing" pieces with new pieces periodically as the months go on. We are hosting receptions for her Sunday, September 26, and Sunday, December 5, both from 1pm to 5pm.
Please note that these are still COVID times, so we are being very careful about how we host the public at Commonweal, and vaccinations and masks are required. If you can not come during her receptions, you can see the show at other times (Monday-Friday 10am-4pm) by calling ahead to be sure that the gallery is open: 415-868-0970.
So much gratitude and appreciation to Katharine for her generous offering, her uplifting and fresh energy, her tenacity through 18 months of pandemic, and her skillful and incredible show.